Public Lectures & Discussions

Public lectures and discussion on ”The European Union’s fundamental values:
Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law” at public schools

The chair holder or invited speaker deliver public lectures on the values of democracy, European institutions, human rights, rule of law, European integration in Adjara public schools, which will be attended by students and teachers of public schools. After the event a discussion will be held and questions will be answered by the chair holder or speaker.

Topics of public lecture/discussion includes: founding principles, objectives of the European Union, European Union’s institutions, European Union Citizenship and Values, the Council of Europe and the Rule of Law, citizens, political parties and elections in European Union, the European Convention on Human rights, fundamental human gights in the European Union, the European Court of human rights and applications from Georgia, integration process in the European Union etc

June 12, 2023 – Public Lecture at the 8th Public School of Batumi 

2023 წლის 12 ივნისს ბსუ-ს ჟან მონეს კათედრის ხელმძღვანელმა მალხაზ ნაკაშიძემ საჯარო ლექცია ჩაატარა ქალაქ ბათუმის მე-8 საჯარო სკოლაში თემაზე “ევროკავშირის ძირითადი ღირებულებები, მიზნები და საქართველოს ევროპული ინტეგრაცია”. ღონისძიებას ესწრებოდნენ საჯარო სკოლის სხვადასხვა კლასის მოსწავლეები და სკოლის პედაგოგები. საჯარო ლექციის დასასრულს მალხაზ ნაკაშიძემ უპასუხა მოსწავლეების შეკიხვებს და გაიმართა დისკუსია.
On June 12, 2023, Jean Monnet Chair Malkhaz Nakashidze delivered a public lecture at the 8th public school of Batumi on the topic “The main values, goals of the European Union and European integration of Georgia”. Students of different classes and teachers of public school attended the event. At the end of the public lecture, Malkhaz Nakashidze answered the students’ questions and a discussion was held. For farther information please visit page

September 21, 2022 – Public Lecture and Discussion at the Supreme Council of Adjara

Within the framework of the Jean Monet 2022 summer school program, a meeting was held at the Supreme Council of Adjara, where the chairman of the legislative body introduced the activities of the Supreme Council, the main principles, structure and specifics of law-making to the students. Davit Gabaidze also spoke about the European Union and the region’s relations with Europe. At the end of the meeting, a discussion was held and Davit Gabaidze answered the students’ questions. The meeting was attended by Jean Monnet Chair Malkhaz Nakashidze, Head of Law and Public Administration Department, Associate Professor, Omar Fartenadze.

For farther information, please visit website and Jean Monnet Chair’s page.

May 25, 2022 – A public lecture and discussion on “Georgia and Europe: Historical Ties and Modernity”

A public lecture and discussion on “Georgia and Europe: Historical Ties and Modernity” was held at the Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, organized by the Jean Monnet Chair . Lawyer, chairman of the Association of Young Lawyers of Georgia (2018-2020), Sulkhan Saladze delivered presentation “Georgia on old European Maps, Parallels of the Past and Modernity”, and Jean Monnet Chair Malkhaz Nakashidze – “Birth of the European Constitution of Georgia on February 21, 1921 – Batumi and the European Values”. The aim of the event was to promote European values, to introduce the relations between Europe and Georgia to the general public. The vent was attended by 65 participants, including students and academic staff of faculties of Law and Social Sciences and Humanities of the Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University. More info

ჩამოტვირთე პროგრამა/Download Programme 

April 14, 2022 – Public Lecture and Discussion for Publis School Students and Teachers

2022 წლის 14 აპრილს, ბათუმის შოთა რუსთაველის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტში ჩატარდა საჯარო ლექცია და დისკუსია თემაზე: „ევროკავშირის ძირითადი ღირებულებები და გაწევრიანების პროცედურა“. ღონისძიებაში მონაწილეობა მიიღეს საჯარო სკოლის 40-მდე მოსწავლემ და მასწავლებლებმა. ჟან მონეს კათედრის ხელმძღვანელმა, პროფესორმა მალხაზ ნაკაშიძემ ისაუბრა ევროკავშირის ძირითადი ღირებულებების, ასევე ევროკავშირში გაწევრიანების პროცედურის შესახებ. იხილეთ სრულად

A public lecture and discussion on “Basic Values of the European Union and the Accession Procedure” was held at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University. The meeting was organized by the Jean Monnet Chair of BSU in collaboration with the English Language Learning Center Eti Holding for public school students. The event was attended by about 40 public school students and teachers.  More info

ჩამოტვირთე პროგრამა/Download Programme 

November 21, 2021 – Public Lecture for the Members of the Student Parliament of Georgia

ბათუმის შოთა რუსთაველის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ჟან მონეს კათედრის ხელმძღვანელმა მალხაზ ნაკაშიძემ საქართველოს სტუდენტეური პარლამენტის წევრებისთვის წაიკითხა საჯარო ლექცია თემაზე „ევროკავშირის ძირითადი მიზნები, ღირებულებები და საქართველოს ევროინტეგრაცის გამოწვევები“.
Malkhaz Nakashidze, the Jean Monnet Chair at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, delivered a public lecture to the members of the Georgian Student Parliament on “The main goals, values of the EU and challenges of Georgia’s European integration” More Info

August 19, 2021 – Public Lecture ​​for the Public School Teachers of the Shuakhevi Minicipality

Malkhaz Nakashidze, Jean Monnet Chair of the Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, delivered a public lecture on Fundamental Values ​​of the European Union and Georgia’s European Integration attended by the public school teachers of Shuakhevi Minicipality. The event was organized by the the Regional Bureau of the Information Center on EU and NATO in Adjara and supported by the Jean Monnet Chair of the Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University. More Info

June 8, 2021 – Public Lecture and Discussion at Keda Public School

Malkhaz Nakashidze, Jean Monnet Chair of the Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, delivered a public lecture on “Fundamental Values ​​of the European Union – Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights” at Keda Public School. The lecture was focused on issues such as the founding principles, values and institutions of the European Union, human rights protection mechanisms, the challenges of democracy and the process of Georgia’s integration process. The event ended with a discussion with the participation of public school students and teachers, as well as literature on the EU was donated to the school. The event is part of the Jean Monnet Chair project funded by the European Commission.

For farther information please visit page and website.

Public Lecture of David Schultz, professor of Hemline University
“Election 2020 and Baiden’s Foreign Policy” – December 29, 2020

David Schultz, professor of Hemline University, delivered a lecture: “Election 2020 and Baiden’s Foreign Policy” organized by Jean Monnet Chair of the Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University. The event was attended by Levan Jakeli, the Dean of Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Malkhaz Nakashidze, Jean Monnet Chair, students of the Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Professors and Students of the West Ukrainian University.

For farther information please visit website and page.